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Patreon May Update 2023

Note: This post will be edited/updated until the end of the month

Hello there everyone. Just giving you an update about the content that will be available this month.

Silver Tier:

1. Update with Lanky Ep 2 (Scheduled for middle of May)

2. Update with Lanky Ep 3 (Scheduled)

3. (Early Access) BattlefieldOne Episode 4 (Scheduled)

Gold Tier:

1. Update with Lanky Ep 2 (Scheduled for middle of May)

2. Update with Lanky Ep 3 (Scheduled)

3. (Early Access) BattlefieldOne Episode 4 (Scheduled)

4. Live Gaming Gathering Extra Ep10 (Scheduled)

5. Live Gaming Gathering Extra Ep11 (Scheduled)0

6. Green Screen Bloopers - Battlefield Competitive (Scheduled)

Thank you for supporting the channel. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.

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