Note: This post will be edited/updated until the end of the month
Hello there everyone. Just giving you an update about the content that will be available this month.
Silver Tier:
1. (Early Access) BattlefieldOne Episode 6 (Published)
2. (Early Access) You're wrong about Comp Battlefield (Scheduled)
Gold Tier:
1. (Early Access) BattlefieldOne Episode 6 (Scheduled)
2. Live Gaming Gathering Extra Ep12 - But can we produce a banger every year? (Scheduled)
3. Live Gaming Gathering Extra Ep13 (Scheduled)
4. Green Screen Bloopers - You're wrong about Comp Battlefield (Scheduled)
5. (Early Access) You're wrong about Comp Battlefield (Scheduled)
Thank you for supporting the channel. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.